
The Property Guard Compliance platform allows you to maintain a waitlist of owners who would like an active leasing permit but the property does not have capacity.  Any leasing permit added once capacity has been met will automatically be added to the waitlist.

In the demo example below it is noted that the permit will be placed on the waitlist.

On your homepage you will see a list of permits on the waitlist, ordered based on date placed on the waitlist.

If an active permit expires or is archived you will be able to grant a permit from the waitlist to the active list.  As a property manager you will be automatically notified to take this action (see related article on emails/communication).

You have the ability to move a waitlist permit up or down based on any business logic at your organization.  If you have available space (fewer permits than the maximum allowed) you can move the top permit on the top of the waitlist to the active permit list by 'granting' it. In addition you can move any permit that does not have an active lease down to the waiting list.

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